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Buyers read below:
Identity Verification Badge
If you see this badge on any ad, then you can be assured that the seller has gone through a manual identification process. This is to include a picture of their drivers license, address, a selfy picture to prove the license is really them, mobile phone check, and sometimes more. If we approve a seller with this badge, we can guarantee that the person you are making a deal with is real and that their identity is true. This badge is optional for a seller and helps to make the potential buyer a bit more trusting when doing a deal. If sellers do not have this badge on their ads, it does not mean they are not trustful sellers. This simply is an additional layer of comfort for a buyer and a great selling tool for a seller.
BUYERS, YOU CAN ALSO GET VERIFIED IF A SELLER WANTS TO KNOW THAT YOUR IDENTITY IS CORRECT. KEEPING THIS ON FILE WILL HELP SELLERS WHEN THEY REQUEST A BUYER CHECK. No one receives your info with the exception of our REAL ID system, therefore nothing is made public. When a seller requests a buyer verification, it is through our system in which we manually check ourselves and give the seller a yes or no to go ahead with a deal. All Buyer and Seller verification last 1 year. You must get this done yearly as we understand people move to new homes, apartments, regularly, so we want to keep everyone safe as possible.
Verified Products Badge
If you see this badge on any ad, then you can be assured that the sellers products have been verified and in their possession. There is a verification process that the seller has to go through to obtain this badge and it is not automated. Therefore we manually make sure that their products are REAL and in their possession. This badge is optional for a seller and helps to make the potential buyer a bit more trusting when doing a deal. If sellers do not have this badge on their ads, it does not mean they are not trustful sellers. This simply is an additional layer of comfort for a buyer and a great selling tool for a seller.
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بمجرد تأكيد بريدك الإلكتروني ، سيتم اشتراكك في نشرتنا الإخبارية.